Friday, September 26, 2008

8 more days

So, I guess this is my first true Blog entry. I am sitting here, thinking that I needed to have a place to come write, and keep people updated. With the impending arrival of my 4th child in a mere 178 hours (give or take an hour or so), I will attempt to keep some sort of blog about what is going on in our lives, and will try to post some pictures as well! Here is my first try at posting a picture - taken earlier this evening - my belly at 37w2d.

Everyone here is doing well. Hailey is really flourishing at her new school. She is still doing very well academically. She signed up to be considered for Odyssey of the Mind (which is an enrichment program that lasts about all year). I do not have a lot of information about it, but it has to do with problem-solving.

Macie is very excited about being a big sister again. She picked out an outfit for the baby to wear when she comes home, and Macie said she wanted to keep the outfit in her closet so she knew where it was!

Sam's newest thing when he gets told no is to run away, put his hands over his face, pout, and say "I'm crying!" Funny thing is, he is not truly crying, just pouting! It's kinda cute!

So, I have 1 more week of work. The c-section is all set for 10/4/08 (Saturday). We have to be at the hospital at 6am, and I will probably go to the OR around 730am or so.

I will try to keep this updated as much as possible!